Accountability, ethics and democracy


This is with reference to issues of ethics, accountability, morality and their relevance to democratic setup in a country, as compared to those ruled by tin pot dictators and unjust elected governments. In democratic countries like USA, corruption does exist, but once a public servant is exposed or caught in financial and administrative irregularities, then examples are made out of them.

People seeking elected public office, or those on payroll of the state, are expected to be judged to a higher code of propriety than the average common man. The most recent example of this is censure of powerful Congressman Charles Rangel, who was not accused of any act of corruption that led to self gain for his person, but of violation of rules and issues of conflict of interest such as soliciting grants for scholarship funds in his name for a college in his constituency, without permission of the Speaker of the House and using a vacant residential complex for his campaign.

Rangel had also been accused of violating rules that prohibit use of official stationary available to every member of the House for his personal campaign. What we have in Pakistan is a facade of democracy, where those elected seek perks, favours, privileges and indulge in promoting their private business interests with no questions asked, nor any fear of reprisal and accountability. Democracy loses its essence when there is no rule of law and the elected government, which is required to be custodian and protector of tax payer’s funds or fundamental rights of their citizens, assumes the role of protecting pilferers and violators of law.

Elected governments in a democracy are answerable to the people of their own country for all their acts done while in office, or for every cent spent. Unfortunately in countries with a facade of democracy, those elected seek to please foreign governments, while they abuse their powers within their own countries, flout rules and seek undue favours for self or cronies. Pakistan is a country with foreign debts of over $60 billion, yet it is neither self-reliant in agriculture, nor does it have a basic infrastructure for public transportation, subsidized quality health, education and industry. There is no culture of paying taxes by the elite, both civil and khaki, who have fleeced this unfortunate country and transferred all their assets abroad. Its citizens fear being kidnapped by the very security agencies that are supposed to guard and protect them.

In Pakistan, the ruling elected government has no tolerance for dissent within its own ranks, which was displayed by harassment of Senator Sherry Rehman in Karachi by thugs of provincial Interior Minister. In no democratic system can there be such rampant corruption as has been exhibited in various public organisations. The shameful complicity of powerful elected members of Senate and NA, ministers, constitutional office holders in the sugar and cement cartels is repulsive and violative of ethics and rules like conflict of interest.

In no other democratic country do rulers and their ambassadors have stakes in the countries that they rule, or represent, as it has been happening in Pakistan.


Texas, USA