The Wikileaks fiasco


There is a serious dearth of accountability in Pakistan but there is also a serious lack of accountability in the international community.

The uni-polar world that we live in has ensured that some members of the international community are more equal than others. The documents leaked contain a wealth of material that report abuse of Iraqi civilians at the hands of the US forces. A lot of human rights organizations are now agitating for an investigation into the grave allegations present in the document.

The US has been committing countless human rights violations since this war has begun; yet there is no international body to take it to task. No country that can place sanctions on it.

No country that can berate it from a high horse like when the US Foreign Office does when they know of violations in other countries. The US has nobody to answer to and whenever such allegations surface, they die down after creating a hype in the media for some time but no cogent results. The neo-liberal capitalist paradigm has created a world where the US as an international player has nobody to answer to. I dont see anyone who can reign in the 21st century imperialism of the US.

