LESCO win WAPDA Bodybuilding


LAHORE – LESCO won the WAPDA Inter-Unit Bodybuilding Championship by scoring 59 points here on Sunday. NTDC remained runners-up with 45 points and GEPCO got third position with 39 points. LESCO bodybuilder Ishfaq Butt was declared Mr. WAPDA 2011.
The Championship was held at WAPDA Sports Complex under the aegis of WAPDA Sports Board. As many as 7 Units of WAPDA participated in the competition. GEPCO, FESCO, MEPCO, PESCO and IESCO also participated in the event.
The bodybuilder of seven WAPDA Units tried their muscles in three categories, namely 60 kg, 70 kg and 80 kg. PEPCO General Manager Malik Munawar was the chief guest of the concluding ceremony.