Pakistan eyes US crackdown on TTP sanctuaries in Afghanistan



Pakistan may seek severing of ties between Mullah Omar-led Afghan Taliban and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and urge the United States to eliminate TTP sanctuaries across the border in Afghan provinces of Kunar and Nuristan, as it plays the role of facilitator for a peace dialogue between the two sides of the Afghan conflict.

The Obama administration is eyeing 2014 for the withdrawal of US forces from the war-torn Afghanistan, but it also realises that without any understanding or a peace deal with the Taliban, it is a daunting task.

Also, Washington sees the role of key facilitator by Pakistan as vital for the success of any peace dialogue with the Taliban insurgents.

Currently, the proposed peace talks between the US and the Taliban and between Kabul and the Taliban are stalemated because of Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s opposition to the title of “Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan” and the “flag” that the Taliban used for their political office in Doha, Qatar, which was opened in June this year.

The Taliban office was shut down in July because of that row and since then, the US has been trying to establish contacts with the Taliban for peace dialogue and it is of strong desire that Pakistan uses its “good offices” for the purpose.

Diplomatic sources privy to the renewed efforts for the start of peace talks between the US and Taliban said Pakistan could play its role for the commencement of US-Taliban peace talks for the sake of peace and stability in the neighbouring state of Afghanistan.

“Pakistan could reach out to the Afghan Taliban seeking their willingness to re-engage with the US and Afghan authorities as part of its commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan,” said a source seeking anonymity.

However, he said Pakistan would also like to see the US and the Taliban trying to address Islamabad’s concerns as well.

“Pakistani authorities could ask for severing of links between the Afghan Taliban and TTP, which is involved in gory acts of terror on Pakistani soil and that could weaken the capacity of TTP to carry out assaults in different parts of the country, including the border regions,” he said.

Moreover, he said Pakistan could also ask the US to eliminate the hideouts of TTP terrorists in Kunar and Nuristan provinces of Afghanistan.

Another source said since the Doha peace process had been scuttled due to row over the Taliban office, Pakistan could help the US in the shifting of talks’ venue to some other Islamic country, such as Saudi Arabia or Turkey.

He said the visit of Afghan President Hamid Karzai later this month to Islamabad was crucial and Pakistani authorities would discuss with the Afghan leader the Afghanistan reconciliation process, new possible venue for peace talks with the Taliban and all other related issues in detail.

“For the success of Afghanistan reconciliation process it is vital that all Afghan groups are willing to talk to each other. Equally important are the talks between the US and the Taliban and Pakistan would like this whole process of reconciliation moving towards success,” he said.


  1. Pakistan wants the US to go after the TTP, and the US wants Pakistan to go after the Haqqani Group. No one is going to go after any one, and there will still be plenty of excitement.

    That is the beauty of The War Against Terror!

    that the beauty of The War Against Terror?

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