Leadership beyond sermons


There is a clear distinction between a set, standard and stereotype leadership and one that leads by examples and sets trends for the people to emulate and motivate. If those able, noble, humble and gentle looking or talking leaders practice all the good they depict or advocate, they would be what the nation so desperately look for as trendsetters in national affairs. Whether it is man in the street, men of letters or men at the helm of affairs, the crisis in leadership is unquestionably such predicament that deals a severe blow to our social, economic and political stability.
How vital is constructively leading from the front in such practical idealism as trust, tolerance, understanding, simple living and high thinking; positive thinking in matters pertaining to education, social work, business, politics, science and technology; materializing civic sense and social responsibility and pioneering the spirit of accommodation or give and take! The common man looks to leaders as trendsetters when it comes to seeking answers, guidance or consolation in matters affecting life at large. People look beyond sermons and speeches to simple and workable suggestions and solutions. If leaders set trends in economizing, austerity, humility and sincerity, the masses shall follow sooner or later.
It is the conscious or sub-conscious habit of the masses to emulate, exemplify and emanate ideas, insights and initiatives from leadership. It depends on the trends leaders set in simplicity or pageantry, tolerance or intolerance, understanding or misunderstanding, cooperation or confrontation, honesty or corruption, innovation or stagnation, progress or procrastination, positive or negative thinking, education or ignorance. Not caring about it is what is tantamount to ignorance as bliss. Knowingly ignoring it is unfortunately a national tragedy: It is this conspiracy of silence in our national tragedy that needs to be unearthed and addressed.