US corps get permission ‘to operate from Karachi airport’


The US Army Corps of Engineer has been granted permission to build a Tactical Command and Operations Centre (TCOC) compound at the Karachi airport to exchange info with Pakistan Customs Drug Enforcement Cell concerning smuggling in and around Karachi, according to documents released by the US Army Corps of Engineer, Middle East District.

“US Army corps of engineer intends to solicit a Request for Proposal (RFP) to construction firms or Joint Ventures (JV) experienced in working in the Middle East region who are interested in submitting a proposal for the design and construction of tactical command and operations centre compound in Karachi,” the project document says.

The compound would support the officers, staff and equipment of the Pakistan Customs Drug Enforcement Cell and Rummaging and Patrolling Sections. The project would enable coordinated quick-response to constantly evolving narcotics and contraband smuggling tactics in and around Karachi, including entire coastal line of Pakistan, a private television channel reported on Tuesday.

According to project details, the company which would get contract would be responsible for designing building of a two-storey TCOC consisting of a main block and a cell/interrogation building placed separately.
The compound would be spread over an approximate area of 7,000 square feet (with a paved courtyard in the centre) and a 900 square feet building, respectively.

The document says the contractor should be licenced to conduct business in Pakistan. The document says further the acquisition would be unrestricted, full and open, best value competition, no set-aside proposals would be evaluated and awarded based on the best value procurement method in accordance with FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) Part 15.


  1. Mr. Zardari, like another traitor is surrendering Karachi Airport now. Previously, Musharraf surrendered the whole country. Beware, after the elections, Zaradri will have no power to surrender anything except his resignation. The new Government will withdraw any such illegal offer made by Mr. Zardari.

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