Case of dual nationality


What we Pakistanis do not understand is why our courts and our institutions decide so late in the game on issues that are of strategic importance. This dual passport/nationality issue must have been raised even in the time of Mr Jinnah. There must have been British and Pakistanis citizens in 1947 who were confronted with this dilemma. There must have been discussions, buried somewhere on this issue. This is one issue that cannot be debated in the Parliament because the Parliament is perhaps around 50 per cent foreign. So we have to setup a committee of eminent persons (lawyers, social scientists, businessmen, students, women, and the like) to research this issue and give practical suggestions in the shortest possible time. As a Pakistani it is very embarrassing to read about this issue in the press. A banana nuclear republic that is still trying to figure out whether the passport should open left to right or right to left and if their passport mentions ones religion or not!. This tale of dual nationality has the makings of a tragic master piece in the mould of Charles Dickens.