An iceberg of corruption


The blatant case of corruption in OGDC running into tens of billions of rupees is truly on iceberg of corruption that can destroy a titanic of any state but is scarcely noticed by the ruling party of PPP. Every trick of the trade is tried to give shelter and delay the culpability of main actors of this horrendous corruption that is akin to robbing the Bank of England. The PPP has been identified as the master of plundering party in view of mega scams instead of mega dams that have sucked the country dry by their tentacles of corruption like a huge octopus.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan is showing proverbial patience in pursuing the mega corruption cases, be it the ephedrine case or OGRA case. What is required is doubling the size of apex court to deal effectively with the corruption and misgovernance of Himalayan proportions so that the robbers of public money are brought to justice in our lifetime.