Attitude of the ruling elite


The poor, illiterate and weaker sections in our country suffer day in and day out in their struggle for survival and look to those who have promised them equality – social, political and economic. But where are these now? Their voters, in search of these promises to be fulfilled, particularly in Sindh, are in pitiable condition. Most towns and cities of Sindh province are suffering from acute potable water problem. The situation is more pitiable in different civil hospitals where hygiene conditions are deplorable. Several thousand positions are lying vacant but those are not being filled up.
All roads and highways across the province are in a bad shape and that there has been no proper development or repair of roads and highways during the past four and a half years of this present government. Funds were allocated but those funds were not utilised honestly. Whenever the attention of the ruling party members is invited to those chronic problems, their attitude is absolutely undemocratic and anti-people. While going through the villages, towns and cities, one will find that all and sundry lament the indifferent attitude of the leaders.
Is there anyone to remind our provincial rulers that attitude is more important than the past, education, money, circumstances, even what people do or say? It is, indeed, more important than appearance or skill. Please do behave well with your voters and deliver to the people as is done in a democratic setup and not otherwise.