Pakistan adopted responsible approach to defuse tensions: Khar


Pakistan did not react to the harsh statements made by the Indian leadership regarding the recent skirmishes along the Line of Control (LoC) only to defuse the tension and avoid escalation of hostilities, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said on Monday.
Responding to a critical speech delivered by Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Nisar Ali Khan in which he criticised the president, the prime minister and the foreign minister for adopting an “inappropriate and extra-soft stance over the recent Pakistan-India tensions on the LoC”, Khar said Pakistan, unlike the Indian leadership, had adopted a calculated and responsible stance on the issue. The foreign minister said Pakistan made a mark in the entire world by dealing with the situation responsibly.
She said as a responsible country, Pakistan had resorted to available mechanisms to put across its point that included meetings of the director generals military operations (DGMOs)‚ summoning of the Indian high commissioner to lodge a protest with him and offering an inquiry into the LoC incidents by the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan.
She said India was told that these incidents were contrary to the peace process being pursued by the two countries.
Khar assured the House that the government was not oblivious to the challenges emanating from the eastern borders.
She said Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh‚ the foreign minister and army chief issued harsh statement but Pakistan did not resort to a course that would have led to more escalation of tension on the LoC. Earlier, in a written reply at the National Assembly’s Question Hour, Khar said the resolution of the Kashmir issue remained a fundamental principle of Pakistan’s foreign policy.


  1. India needs a strong response from Pakistan. He has not only committed LOC violations ,but killed Pakistani Soldiers. What about this spilling of blood. Blood of our soldiersvis not cheap.We must retaliate in the same coin.
    This meek response will not do . Let us teach her a lesson.There top leadership and military Chief has used threatening language. And your response is so weak as to admit the guilt.
    We should tell Indiato refrain from suchrehetric otherwise it will have to face themusic.
    Javaid Bashir

    • How the heck do you plan to teach her a lesson sitting in NH you chicken s**t.all you do is run your mouth.First you call India He then her,learn some english while you are in States,MORON.Pakistan is handling it fine,thru dialog and not guns,India knows it too,they cannot afford to start another war.So sit your 5 dollar a** down.There is constant gun fire at the LoC just so you know.Yes I'm a Pakistani you idiot.

      • I hate to mention this, beheading is a Pakistan speciality. Beheading takes place for all sorts of crime (or imagined crime) in Pakistan. If an Indian soldier is beheaded at the LOC, the finger of suspicion points to Pakistan. So what is your beef you guys?.

  2. Khar 's interview with Christina Ammanpur was the opposite of what she is saying here.She was pretty hawkish then.

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