My enemy’s enemy…


Apparently, the cat is coming out of the bag. Last week’s unprovoked firing between Pakistani and Indian forces along the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir has already ignited the border which has been relatively peaceful for the last one decade. Now come some real characters who vow to derail the fragile peace process between these two feuding countries.
After occupying the tribal areas of Pakistan, Tahreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has now been eying on new areas to take its brutality to. As per a news report, TTP’s chief Hakeemullah Mehsud has declared in a video message to send militants to Indian-held Kashmir who will not only fight the Indian forces but also enforce the Shahria (read Taliban’s interpretation of religion) in the valley.
This is a very serious development; both countries will be trapped by these militant forces who are working on an agenda which is generally not in line with the peace seeking masses of the subcontinent. Both Pakistan and India shall ensure that the TTP shouldn’t get the opportunity to highjack the movement in Indian-held Kashmir. It’s the sole right of Kashmiris to decide their future, not of some foreign miscreants to enforce their hidden agenda at gun point. Both countries should realise that “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” will not work here as both are facing a common enemy.