Time to set priorities


Mr Arif Nizami, in his recent article “Tarnishing the Quaid” (12 January), has highlighted the magnitude of internal threats and gravity of external threats from across the border. He has rightly criticised the MQM chief for tarnishing the Quaid, the founder of Pakistan. While pleading his own and Tahirul Qadri’s dual nationality case, he tried to correlate it with the Quaid-e-Azam who travelled to Pakistan on British passport. Was there any choice for him other than using the British passport? The answer is no. It was the need of the hour as he was coming to take over as governor general of the newly established state of Pakistan when the subcontinent was freed by the Britishers. He could have simply pleaded that irrespective of his dual nationality, he is a Pakistani also, instead of bringing Quaid’s name into a controversy, which was not in a good taste.
There is no writ of the government anywhere in the country. The government, be it provincial or federal, has miserably failed to protect the life and property of common man which is its first and foremost duty. MQM’s track record is like an open book. They have always back-tracked from their decisions and there is nothing new in their decision not to participate in the long march.
PML-N’s dream of coming to power once again will never see the light of the day. Whatever is happening in the country, the PML-N has to share the blame. People can be fooled sometimes but not all the times.
What a tragedy for this nation! The CM Balochistan is out of country, the cabinet is non-existent, governor wants to rest and is seeking some facilities abroad, president is in Karachi, PM is busy in delivering speeches at various forums and the minister of interior is busy in fixing containers in Islamabad, deploying additional police force and happy that the MQM is not taking part in the long march. With such priorities, how can you protect a common man? The SC was justified in saying that the government of Balochistan has lost the constitutional right to govern the province, but who cares. I agree with the writer that the real issue is the daily casualties of innocent people but I would add that we must be very cautious from India. I smell a conspiracy on the part of India to take advantage of the current uncertainties prevailing in the country. Today, the Indian air chief has sounded a warning to Pakistan to exercise other options in case LoC remains disturbed. It is ime to set priorities before it is too late.