The curse of feudal mindset


This is with reference to curse of feudal mindset which is not confined to landed rural class, but also groups and individuals within the urban elite, traders and pressure groups, who resort to use of force and intimidation to exert their political hegemony and enforce no-go areas for those who dare to dissent. There is no rocket science involved in reforming system of governance and sick feudal mindset of individuals, political, sectarian or ethnic outfits, and institutions that are responsible for perversion of Quaid’s vision that Pakistan should function as a modern democratic welfare state where rule of law dominates. In the words of Theodore Roosevelt, the rule of law means: “No man is above the law and no man is below it, nor do we ask any man’s permission, when we ask him to obey it.”
Nations with a far worse track of violence and human rights violations have reformed by shedding their shaded legacies and strictly adopting constitutional rule and enforcing rule of law within their geographical boundaries. Norway, once notorious for brutality of Vikings, is today a model welfare state. Pakistan’s problems have become acute because powerful members of the political elite, members of paid civil or khaki bureaucracy consider themselves above law and assume unto themselves immunity based upon their self-serving interpretation of constitution, or the most abused of all terms “supreme national interest”.
There are many land owning families in Sindh and other parts of Pakistan who do not have this sick feudal mindset, which others within the urban and rural elite possess. Shahzeb’s murderers want to have an NRO which in the past was illegally given to 8,000 men accused of heinous crimes of murder, financial corruption, kidnapping and extortion in violation of the constitution according to which all men or women are equal before law.
Similarly, men like Tauqir Sadiq and his patrons make a mockery of laws by fleeing from Pakistan inspite of a verdict by the SC. When law enforcement and immigration become accomplices of criminals to escape judicial prosecution, then rule of law and democracy suffer a blow, with disastrous consequences. It is because of this sick feudal mindset, gross injustices and deprivation that nonentities, like a Canadian or a UK immigrant, can create turmoil and blackmail an elected government.


  1. This UK immigrant has gone mad and has this stinking feudal mentality, where he considers himself above law.

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