Meanwhile, in Egypt


Muslim Brotherhood’s leader Mohammedun Badie has congratulated his countrymen on the adoption of a constitution and urged them to ‘begin building our country’s rebirth with free will — men, women, Muslims and Christians’. Sadly, this is exactly which is not going to happen. Yes, it’s a rebirth but of a divided and disunited Egypt. Constitution is the fundamental document which can keep a country united provided it has got backing of all the quarters of the society. Unfortunately, the draft constitution which was first hastily pushed through the Constituent Assembly without much debate in public domain and then through a controversial referendum, negates the congratulatory words by Badie.
Given results show the deep fissure in Egyptian society — turnout was only 32.9 percent of 52 million voters, out of which around 63 percent voted ‘yes’, means only 20 percent of registered voters have approved the document. Now the revolution which brought down a dictator faces negation of its own building blocks –empowerment of youth, women and religious minorities, and unconditional guarantee of human rights for all. As is said ‘revolution eats its own children’ — in Egypt revolution has started eating itself.
We see emergence of a new dictatorship using religion to perpetuate its stay and grip on power. It’s high time for Brotherhood and Salafists to reconsider the path to which they are the taking the country to. It’s a path to disillusionment to the extent when ordinary Egyptians would start asking why they struggled to overthrow a dictator.


  1. The Arab Spring brought revolutionary changes in t he arabian Sahara from Tunisia to Jordan. In the wake of this movement the dictaator ships tumbled and democracy took hold of these nations frought with e danger of russerection of rfligious dictatorial element to replace some of these pockets of strong holds of religious rirhtist parties to hijack the revolution and put themseves in the fore front to grab power They have been waiting forr this moment for centuries
    They now see the chance to conquer the conquered and to hold sway over the vast territory. These minor ebberation will occur, there is no need to panic over this development.. it is part of the game.
    Attorney at law

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