Arms, explosives seized in Sukkur


Excise Department personnel on Thursday claimed to have foiled a major terror bid by seizing explosives-laden truck from border area between Punjab and Sindh and arresting two accused.
According to Excise Department official, a truck was travelling to Karachi from Waziristan and upon search excise personnel recovered heavy explosives from it.
Some suicide jackets, detonators and other explosive materials and hashish were recovered from the truck. Two accused identified as Ghulam Haider and Riaz who belonging to Waziristan Agency were also arrested.
The accused were handed over to police for investigation.


  1. i hope the devils of death and destruction,pain and misery with ever lasting mental suffering for survivors be suspended upside down every day on rotational 5 hours off 5 hours on for rest of their natural life's
    this type of rigorous punishment should be known to would be terrorists , because they are not humans,but devils.
    please show no mercy to those that has no morals what so ever other then pure evil.

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