MTUFC to make debut in Raiders Invitational Cup


LAHORE: The newly-formed Model Town United Football Club (MTUFC) will make debut in the All Punjab Raiders Invitational Cup which commences at Faisal Town from February 20 here.
Former AFC qualified coach Khaled Khan will act as coach of the team sponsored by Elba International. The new club from Lahore is sister team of Model Town Football Academy and got the right of play after getting affiliation with the Punjab FA. “The number of boys is increasing in the MTFA day by day and in order to accommodate them, it was necessary to form another club from the MTFA podium,” said MTFA’s President Mian Rizwan Ali. Meanwhile, Model Town United FC’s President Mian Irfan Ali and General Secretary Toqeer Akram have finalised the 18-player squad for Faisal Town event.
Team: David Ashraf, Hamza Mazhar, Abdullah Abbas, Hunnan Afzaal, Muhammad Zekria,Tahwer Malik, Abuzar Khalid, Talha Niazi, Raveed Ali, Sabahit Ali, Asad Ullah Khan, Naqash Safdar, Rawel Masood, Umar Saeed, Haris Ahmed, Haroon Bokhari, Sunny Naeem and Rizwan Mushtaq.