Islam leaflet campaign in London ‘to build bridges


A group of London Muslims are knocking on doors in a bid to “restore” the image of Islam, according to a BBC report.
The group said the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had been tarnished by an American anti-Islam film and further damaged by the violent reaction by some Muslims globally.
Members said they hoped talking and handing out leaflets about Islam could make a small difference. One member, Hazik Rahman, said he was trying to “build bridges”.
Rahman said: “Well first of all the film and the cartoon, they were wrong, but also the reaction to it was extreme and violent; we’re trying to build bridges here and engage in debate.” He said he was aware knocking on doors and asking people to talk about religion was not always well received.
Rahman said: “Some people do open up and we have long discussions but, yes, some are not keen. Ataul Mujeeb Rached, imam at the London Mosque in Southfields, said he saw it as his duty to correct the image that had been created. He said: “Some people have done something that is incredibly offensive to us, but instead of killing people, burning houses, we should use peaceful means to present to the world the true picture of Islam.”
One of the residents who answered the door, Bronwen Murray, said: “It’s probably not going to have a widespread effect because I think people are set in their beliefs. “If you thought the Muslim people were intolerant, the reaction to this film just reaffirmed that… but you may change some minds.” The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association is hoping to distribute 12,000 leaflets initially.
The organisation is holding an exhibition entitled “Muhammad – A Mercy for Mankind” on 24 October at Wandsworth Town Hall.


  1. They are showing the true teaching of Islam and practice of our Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). Anger, however, is not an excuse for extremism. Dear Muslims, have you not read the saying by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)? "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger.

  2. Its funny how these Muslims are so quick to criticise a picture or a youtube clip but are so slow to protest against one of the thousands of massacres that Muslims are committing (and continue to commit) on a daily basis all in the name of their oh so loving and peaceful god? You say Killing people, burning houses etc is not the true picture of Islam – well there’s an expression in my part of the world… ‘The proof is in the pudding’.

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