We ought to think


We cannot stop Jewish lobby against Islam. This animosity is well known to us and it existed even 1400 years back. We also cannot do anything about the ‘freedom of press’ syndrome of the Western world. These slanderous attacks on the sanctity of Islam and our Holy Prophet (SAW) will go on at regular intervals, as history has told us. We can’t break our properties and assets lest we should be left impoverished. So let us think of something concrete and productive to thwart the Jewish onslaught. Muslims must convene a get together in which all Muslims countries must appear, regardless of their internal and political differences.
All sections of Muslims must represent, regardless of their sect or belief. Muslims must create a huge Islamic Media Centre from where the true picture of Islam is projected. Let the West know what Islam is. We hear that their intellectuals study Quran as a book and get convinced of its logic, explanation and historical truth of events mentioned in Quran. Let us project them in an orderly way of expression and especially in a way that the faithless and distorted youth of West find answers to their bewilder ness. This perpetual activity will not only discourage the lunatics of the West to say anything derogatory but will also curtail US intervention into Iraq and Afghanistan and now the entire ME.
The US won’t get away with their oft-repeated allegations against Islam and practices of Islam. Hijab won’t be a problem to the police in the West. This Islamic Media must be backed up rich Islamic countries which have abundance of wealth. This Islamic Media must have a multi-faceted design and run by Islamic experts and undisputed scholars. Access to this media center must be made easy to Muslims all around and easier for non-Muslims to reach it. We have to correct our image in the world and leave no space for them to make a joke of us. The asking is? Can we do this? Or shall we break our country every time they trigger a reason? Can our governments take the initiative or will they only debate on 6 men being sent to Islamabad by PML-N to ransack Islamabad?