Army’s response needed


The most interesting placard witnessed during scores of protests still going on in the country against the anti-Islam film was about the silence of Pakistani government and Pakistan Army and read, “NATO route was blocked when Pakistan Army was attacked but why is it not blocked when the sanctity of Prophet (PBUH) is under attack?”
The message brings to light the hidden stories and exposes the criminal silence over such a serious issue. The Army that ought to be at the forefront against the attack on Prophet (PBUH) remains dead silent, and seems like waiting for the orders from the civilian government.
The criminal act of our Muslim army does not end here but it rises higher when we see that the Pakistan Army whose motto is “Iman, Taqwa, Jihad-fi-Sabilillah” takes no action against the culprit nor against the state who is backing the blasphemer and protecting him. What we see is that the army is in alliance with America and killing Muslim brothers.
We demand that sincere officers of the army issue a statement against the anti-Islam film and force the government to demand the US authorities to hand the blasphemer to Pakistan or trial him accordingly in the US. If not so, Pakistan must close US embassy and all the consulates in Pakistan and expel the US Ambassador to Pakistan, halting all relations with America and closing NATO supply line in the meantime.


  1. A very important issue has been raised and can be considered well if our government actually wills plus cares for its people's interests.

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