Suicide bombers await ‘infidel’ Imran in Waziristan: Taliban


The Taliban have threatened to kill cricket star turned politician Imran Khan if he holds a planned march to their tribal stronghold along the Afghan border to protest US drone attacks.
Although the Pakistani Taliban also oppose the strikes, which have killed many of their fighters, spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said they would target Imran Khan because he calls himself a “liberal”. He also warned they would attack anyone who participates in upcoming elections. “If he comes, our suicide bombers will target him,” Ahsan told The Associated Press in an interview Monday in the militant group’s stronghold of South Waziristan. “We will kill him.” The threat could come as a surprise to many in Pakistan who have criticized Khan for not being tough enough on the Pakistani Taliban and instead focusing most of his criticism on the government’s alliance with the US. Some of his critics have nicknamed him “Taliban Khan” because of his views and his cozy ties with conservative Islamists who could help him attract right-wing voters in national elections likely to be held later this year or early next year.
Khan was once known for his playboy lifestyle and marriage to British socialite Jemima Khan. But they divorced several years ago, and he has since become much more conservative and religious. Khan has described himself as a liberal in various TV interviews, but he has also made clear that he is a practicing Muslim. Ahsan, the Taliban spokesman, seemed to ignore that distinction and said the militants didn’t want Khan’s help in opposing drone attacks. Khan has said he is planning to lead thousands of people in a march to Waziristan in September to demonstrate against the strikes. “We will not accept help or sympathy from any infidel,” said Ahsan, referring to Khan. “We can fight on our own with the help of God,” he said, as drones buzzed overhead. The spokesman for Khan’s party could not be immediately reached for comment. Ahsan said the Taliban consider anyone who participates in elections, even Islamist parties, as infidels and will target them.
“The election process is part of a secular system,” said Ahsan. “We want an Islamic system and will create hurdles to secularism.” An AP reporter interviewed Ahsan at a remote compound on a forested mountainside in South Waziristan. He was taken there from a compound in the Shawal area that housed several dozen Taliban fighters armed with AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and anti-aircraft guns. Artillery fired by the Pakistani army regularly pounded the ground near the compound.
“The election process is part of a secular system,” said Ahsan. “We want an Islamic system and will create hurdles to secularism.” An AP reporter interviewed Ahsan at a remote compound on a forested mountainside in South Waziristan. He was taken there from a compound in the Shawal area that housed several dozen Taliban fighters armed with AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and anti-aircraft guns. Artillery fired by the Pakistani army regularly pounded the ground near the compound.


  1. Anyone who participates in elections is an infidel?…WOW. By this definition, almost the entire country is infidel and therefore, these ideologues are the minority. This cancer needs to be rooted out if this country is to survive. I can bet that none of these people have their sons or daughters part of the suicide squads. It is always the others who can be used as fodder. Talk about the height of hypocrisy.

    There is no place in Islam for this type of mentality. One of the first things that we learnt about Islam growing up was that this is a 'moderate' religion and it is absolutely true.

    Having said that, I believe that IK needs to be careful because these people can go to any length to harm the others.

    • I agree 100% Amir,one more thing,if thats what they think and they know that Zardari has'nt done diddly squat to help Baluchistan,why have'nt they tried to blow him up,that would be much more satisfying and fruitful to them,Imran just talks alot,he hasnt done anything yet.And marching won't get anything done,look at all the people on the streets all day long screaming,burning tires,guess what,no results,government does'nt give a dam (n).

  2. Imran Khan should not let Ahsan stop him from marching to Warziristan. If Ashan is serious he would not reveal his plan.

  3. Imran Khan! Please do not be taken aback by these mindless savages. They are not the managers of Islam with their pre-Islamic habits and disposition.
    Go ahead with your long march and we will see what the TTP can do. The citizens are getting sick of fighting America's war on terrorism and we will see what the TTP and its sponsors can do.

  4. I don't think Imran should go. Not only will he indanger his own life but thousands that will march with him. So many innocent people could get hurt by Taliban nut cases. This threat could also open many doors for all those other corrupt politicians to target Imran khan.

  5. Imran Khan is not a 60years old kid – he knew what is the situation in waziristan – he himself announced will go there with 100,000 PTI supporters – nobody invited him or forced him to announce his hiking campaign – but now is the time IK has to proof – Is he really a man of his own words ? Remember Shaheed Mohtarma Benezir honored her words and came to Pakistan knowing all the threats and dangers warnings given by these tribals warlords – but she sacrificed her life for sake of her own words – lets see where IK stands now !!!

    • You are right Imran Khan is not a 60 year old kid, he is 60 year old goof!!! Our misfortune!

  6. So TTP doesnt want people to protest against drone attacks!! that speaks volumes for who they actually work for 🙂 TTP is never targetted by drone attacks and they are on some ones payrol! ofcourse they dont Imran to come and get some support there!
    It will last nail on the coffen of TTP if they even try to kill Imran. while they enjoy protection in Afghanistan and protection from drone attacks, they only attack Pakistan without any objective but only act on instruction of pay masters.

  7. @z amjad:how u can trust the credibility of hamid meer…some thing is wrong with you mate…hamid meer is slave of ….better think with ur mind not others…

  8. Just One thing…why Imran Khan is going to South Waziristan after 8-10 years history of drone attacks while almost all the people of the area have been displaced and their houses are ruined…its too late and is of no use to the people except shining his own future for the coming elections…there is no smell of sincerity with the people in this March…none of the political party is serious about the situation in Waziristan but just for their own interest…

  9. And what will happen if he goes there and hold a march practically, will there be any effect of of this march on drone attacks to stop…if he really wana stop it he can do it through pressurizing the govt and military, as its all happening with their approval…he has a large mass of supporting people and can do this very easily while remaining in Islamabad….

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