Ban on Hizb-ut-Tahrir


Despite severe torture, hardships and strict ban, Hizb-ut-Tahrir (the Party of Liberation), since its establishment in 1953 in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), continues to work effectively and tirelessly in more than 50 countries with a sole purpose of bringing intellectual and systematic revival among the Muslim Ummah.
The party aims and strives to restore Islamic Khilafah State, unifying all the Muslim under a Caliphate ruled by Islamic law with a Caliph as Head of the State, elected by Muslims.
The party has adopted and follows the most peaceful method of Prophet S.A.W to bring about a revolution and actual change in the society as Rasool SAW did with constant years of struggle in Makkah.
Hizb-ut-Tahrir firmly believes that Islam could not be restored to its actual by getting involved in Democracy or Terrorism, ruling out the use of bullet and ballot for a real change. The major allegations on the party includes, showing dissatisfaction on the policies of the government, distributing leaflets against the unacceptable policies all across the country and penetrating in the Pakistan Army.
We all know that showing concerns over the government policies is the right of every citizen and one would wonder how distribution of the pamphlets and leaflets in the general public scould ever be termed as terrorism or sectarianism. Similarly, the soldiers of Pakistan Army are also Muslims, they are not aliens, so why not carry a good and rational message to them?
After a deep study about the aims and objectives of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, being a student of Journalism, I call upon the members of civil society, media persons, lawyers, judges and sensible persons of the society to take a principle stand against the unreasonable ban on Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Pakistan, the global Islamic group which categorically rejects the use of weapons and carrying out a peaceful political struggle since its formation.
I appeal the rational-minded media persons, people of law and others, on humanitarian grounds, to force the authorities for an immediate recovery of Hizb’s spokesman for Pakistan Naveed Butt, compelling the government to provide justification on his abduction. People in Pakistan rigorously demand the authorities to lift a ban from Hizb-ut-Tahrir.


  1. The PK government is a slave to its Western masters such as the US. When are you people in power going to realise that the only Master is Allah. Implement Islam in your country and do not take the corrupt policies and systems of the West as your way of life. You will be accountable one day by the Creator. Be ready for your answers.

  2. The ban on Hizb ut-Tahrir is beacause those who are not able to debate the ideas and solutions of this party have to resort to degrading and underhand tactics of bans, arrests, abduction and torture against the members of this Party. Shame on them.

  3. What Islam are they going implement.
    Sunni- which of the 4 madhabs
    Shia- which version
    On the basis Islam is not unversal and everyone is practices what believe is right.

    Before this can happen the Muslim world needs to practice a uniform version of Islam and can only then make a khalifa

    • Dear shaukat
      No one will achieve absolute homogeniety among muslims , it is next to Imposible, However the proposed Model Of Khilafah is a divine crafted m, Humanly implemented system . Khilafajh will accept differencies between Muslims , but not to the level that wil;l infringe upon the Unity of the state . Visit hizb ut tahrir web sites and see the detas . May allah acce[t uor Ibadat and Siam ( Fasting )

      • Instead of trying to establish Caliphate system, Hizbul Tahrir should strive to bring muslims under one sect ie 'Muslim', as was at the time of our prophet. No Sunni, no Shia, no Hanafi, no Humbli, no Deobandi, no Barelvi, no this no that , no bla bla.
        This is what Islam needs and as long as sectarianism prevails in Islam, it can never be a dominant force rather would keep fighting itself to the amusement of the non muslims.

  4. The overwhelming majority of Muslims (more than 90%) have always agreed on a uniform aqeedah (fundamental tenets of Islam). However, even during the time of the sahabah (ra) there were disagreements between them on particular issues. Examples include whether a divorce is valid if a man says divorce three times in quick succession in one sitting. But these differences did not stop the sahaba from Implementing Islam and establishing the caliphate.

    There is a principle in Islamic law which says "The Khalifa's decree resolves the discord". So when the Khalifa adopts a patricular position on a societal issue, the muslims must follow that position. e.g. Abu Bakr said saying divorce three times in quick succession was not a valid divorce.

    The khalifa will not adopt any particular rules in relation to private matters such as where to place the hands in salah, so one is free to follow the opinion he or she thinks is most correct.

  5. @shaukt;
    Which version of democracy is implemented, french, british, US, chinese, Russian.

  6. Correctly said by Danyal-

    "The PK government is a slave to its Western masters such as the US. When are you people in power going to realise that the only Master is Allah. Implement Islam in your country and do not take the corrupt policies and systems of the West as your way of life. You will be accountable one day by the Creator. Be ready for your answers."

  7. @Shaukt:
    you seem to be still in infancy. Sleep well & then Go and Read Qura'n with open Mind. May be Allah will guide you….

  8. JZK. bro
    Insha Allah the day is not so far when muslims will be united under one state khilafah,

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