New guest at the presidency


Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, former prime minister of Pakistan, after vacating the PM House, has moved to the presidency, following a Supreme Court verdict disqualifying him as prime minister and member of the national assembly. It has been reported in the media that Mr Gilani has decided to live in the presidency due to security considerations. In Pakistan, the life of a VVIP is really vulnerable. They have to live in secure places.
After Prime Minister House, the presidency is the only secure place for the former chief executive of the country. Interestingly, Mr. Francois Hollande, after his election as President of France, is living in the old rented apartment rather moving to the Elysee Palace, the official residence of the French President. Poor French, they don’t know how to live like a VVIP. In Pakistan, security takes precedent over all other considerations.
At the presidency, life may not be as majestic as in the Prime Minister House with all the protocol. However, in the presidency, Mr Gilani will be enjoying life style that is available to selected few in Pakistan. Facilities and services available in the presidency are comparable to those offered by the most expensive hotels in the world.
Though, Mr. Gilani is not holding any public office at the moment, at the Presidency, he will be entitled to free accommodation, free meals available at five star hotels. Above all, there will be no agony of load shedding. Outages are for the poor people only. So a disqualified prime minister will cost the nation a lot of money. What a country.


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