Use your vote


Change comes through different sources, in the form of a revolution, or with an evolutionary process where a trend is set by starting a clear voting process. Democracy is the refection of the people’s choice. These are the people who can mould the situations properly by using the power of their vote.
Unfortunately, in Pakistan this trend has still not taken root. A proper democratic culture has not been cultivated, that has the ability to uplift a society. The chief reason for this is that Pakistan remained under the shadows of military dictatorships for decades. Our politics became a blend of democracy and dictatorship. The desire to excel in a society appears when there is continuity in a system. Traditional politics has dominated our societal structures for decades. Votes are diverted towards the powerful segment of the society.
The present environment of the country is choking the people emotions. People are becoming well aware of issues of governance, statecraft and realpolitik. The election year is approaching and the nation will get a chance to choose their representatives. It is important that the elections must be free and fair, so that healthy results must come across. If the phenomenon of rigging will prevail, then the reaction of the society will be over whelming. It is the right time to bounce back by showing the power of our vote. Every citizen must give vote to those politicians which they think is best fit for their country. This strategy will help in uprooting the old structures and a reality will seep in the society.