Trial of graves


Every man, women or child who was born is destined to die and face trial for the sins that he/she may have committed during their lifespan. According to our religion, there is no escape from this inevitable accountability which every commoner, king, or emperor will have to face and only the Almighty alone has the sole jurisdiction to decide such matters. Those who submit to the will of Almighty and seek forgiveness or make amends for the wrongs that they may have committed to their fellow beings can expect pardon from Him, and no offerings of ill-gotten wealth as nazrana/sadqa can settle these debts.
It is also a matter of faith that evading any accountability process only adds to the woes of an individual in life hereafter. It is because of this belief in hereafter that relatives of those whose dear ones have departed publicly ask everybody before their burial if the departed persons owed any debt. Our religion very clearly has stated that Haqooq-ul-ibad, that is the rights of fellow human beings, if violated can only be forgiven by those who have been wronged and the Almighty will only pardon sins concerning Haqooq Ullah.
Political martyrdom does not absolve the soul of accountability from Haqooq-ul-ibad. Therefore, if the political heirs of Benazir Bhutto have any love for her, they should facilitate rather than avoid settlement of any claims that an individual, or the national exchequer may have, so that her soul rests in eternal peace. Nobody, not even saints can avoid trial of graves, that is a reality if we have belief in our religion. So this politics and exploiting the graves must stop.