Respect unearned?


I was astonished to see the way the Chief Justice treated the chairman PEMRA, Dr Abdul Jabbar, on June 15 during the full court session. Perhaps the SC purposely allowed live coverage of the humiliation through which Dr Jabbar had to go through that day, may be to show who is the boss. It was really a scene wherein CJ was chairing the full court session and Dr Jabbar was answering questions.
As media keeps a self-imposed censorship while reporting on the way government officials are treated in the superior court, however, there are wide spread complaints of misbehave, taunts and foul language. I remember once Ali Ahmed Kurd, a prominent leader of CJ’ reinstatement movement, himself complained that pharaohs are sitting in the superior courts. They must remember that you can’t force other people to respect you; your words and deeds should be enough to earn you respect.
Saudia Arabia