“Collateral damage”


Mr Arif Nizami in his latest article “Collateral damage”(16 Jun) which can be taken as an extension of “Prodigal son” published last week has discussed the most burning issues first time in the history of Pakistan that has shaken the fourth pillar of the state the media. The writer has rightly pointed out the nexus between some anchors and businessman and politicians. We can not deny the curse of “Lifafa journalism” that has plagued our media.The latest list of Malik Riaz’s beneficiaries include very famous names. Whether this list is right or wrong, the damage has been done and a can of worms has been opened.
Unfortunately the mad race going on between various anchors to get highest ranking and credit of breaking news is the major cause of this drama. These days any one can assume the role of anchor person having link with the owners of the TV channel. We daily witness fleet of anchors airing programmes mostly ignorant about the subject under discussion. PEMRA has failed to evolve some sort of code of conduct for the anchors; as a result we have seen constant deterioration in the way discussions are conducted. The criteria for being a good anchor are taking the lead in shouting and criticising the government, judiciary, army and politicians. This goes on unchecked as they have no fear of accountability.
There is no doubt that CJ has taken suo moto notice against his son and in all probability, he may be punished but the major question shall remain unanswered as to how it is possible that a father was ignorant about his son’s activities and his lifestyle. Arsalan shall find it difficult to prove his innocence in view of the irrefutable evidence. The writer has rightly put the question as to why do generals, politicians and media personnel have contacts with a person like Malik Riaz knowing full well his intentions. The answer is very simple: ‘you scratch my back, I scratch yours’.
It is very painful to see that the two pillars of the state – the judiciary and media – that fought side by side have been embroiled in controversy and the damage they have sustained may take sometime to repair. I agree with the writer that the anchors mentioned in the list of beneficiaries of Riaz Malik’s list should clear their names instead of accusing each other. PML(Q) chief has come out in open support of Riaz Malik and reminds people of his countless social and humanitarian services. That is all well and good but he can not be given a license to malign the judiciary and media. His greatest sin that overrides his good works is the manner in which he trapped the CJ’s son and bribed him for getting favours in his cases. He also acknowledges and admits that no favour was given; then why did he continue bribing Arsalan?
Mukhtar Ahmed