Imran’s political obsession


Imran Khan and his political party seem to be obsessed with PML(N) and its leadership given the volume and quantum of their scathing criticism of Punjab government and silence over governance of other provincial governments in Sindh, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Balochistan, GB and the autonomous AJK ruled by a coalition of PPP, MQM, ANP and PML(Q) and in some cases even JUI(F). If it is not an obsession than we are to assume that it is either politics of convenience, or else even worse, an endorsement of governance in other provinces and the state of AJK to be better than in Punjab.

Does Imran Khan seriously think that resignations by PML(N) would exert enough moral pressure on this coalition led by PPP to hold fresh elections, when the same party openly defies orders of SC and feels to no shame in having a convicted man hold the post of Prime Minister. Why does not Imran Khan focus on target killings, extortion, kidnapping and corruption that dominates in Karachi, KP and Balochistan.

Does he realize that Pakistan’s economy has suffered because Karachi has been reduced to a battle ground for turf, where armed gangs and their crimes have forced investors to shift to other countries. Is he aware of the fact that inspite of minimal line losses and theft, industries in Faisalabad, Multan, Gujrat etc have closed down because of unprecedented load shedding depriving millions of daily wagers of employment?

Silence of a political party like PTI, that claims a following in all federating units of Pakistan, on the political mistakes of parties that hold power in Pakistan is not justified if Imran Khan wants to continue to assume the moral high ground which he claims and which is the only plus point that he has. He has to be fair in his criticism and not be selective, otherwise this policy of attacking the PML(N) alone and being soft on others points to an egoistic obsession to settle old scores.




  1. The ferocity and emotionalism of their anger with PML(N) defies reason, logic and balance. If PML(N) were to resign from NA, than according to the constitution, the vacancy of Leader of Opposition has to be filled in interim period, where the PPP with help of ever ready JUI(F) will agree on consensus candidate for Chief election Commissioner and that will end up in rigging elections. Either PTI are fools obsessed with aniomosity or they are amateurs, or worse they have a deal in their hands.

  2. Imran Khan it seems has a deal with MQM, PPP and PML(Q), which is why he does not criticize them as much as he does Nawaz Sharif

  3. Another writer trying to figure out PTI ? I think it is very clear that Punjab is 60% of pak and ignoring that would b just plain stupid. Khan has criticised ppp when pmln was bahi Bahi with them .. Khan criticised pmlq when they were on power … Get ur facts right

  4. Why is Imran Khan afraid of MQM, Or has there been a deal with them. Are target killings of innocent Pakistanis in Karachi belonging to all parts of Pakistan, irrelevant for Imran Khan. Come on Bilal, speak the truth.

  5. @Bilal–Your reasoning makes no sense. There is more to Pakistan than just Punjab, even if it is 60% of Pakistan. In any case foreign institutions have stated on. record that governance in Punjab is relatively better than in Sind, KP or Baluchistan. So why this obsession?

  6. People are not stupid not to understand the conspiracy behind targeting only one party! One school of thought is of the opinion that it is a political strategy by Khan Sb. to target only PMLN. My feeling is that it is beyond that. It is an execution of a game plan by the establishment to eradicate PMLN once and for all. It started with a failed attempt to launch MQM in Punjab and is culminating with PTI targeting PMLN by spreading hate messages in social media which defy all norms of decency. End of the day the strategy is only going to cause harm to PTI !

  7. Guys get your facts straight….Imran Khan spoke about everything he spoke about a lot of issues see his interviews and jalsas he spoke about Karachi problems , new province in KPK, he spoke about balouchistn at numerous occasions and of course against PPP pretty much all the time. now its a very fair criticism that Khan sb has criticized PML-N more then any other party fair enough but there is a strategy and a reason and very valid reason let me explain you in detail and you guys think about it without any biasness.

  8. 1). There are two main parties in PK PPP and PML-N now we have seen in past that when PPP was in power there performance was poor and in next election PMLN was chosen to run the govt by ppl and same happened when PMLN left PPP was chosen by the ppl because of the same reason and it happned twice with both parties. Now what does common sense says should he waste energy and time criticizing other parties which doesnt have any presence outside their area be it MQM, JUI ANP etc there are two parties which are game changer so exert all your energies on thoese parties that is common sense forgot other things that its not fair or its not justified in its entirety but its logical besides no matter what you say even if you are an angel we all know that majority of Mohajirs in karachi are going to vote for MQM no matter what same goes for other small ethnic parties so why waste energy besides all these parties are area based.

  9. 2).Now that leaves PPP and PMLN, as we speak PPP govt doesnt have any credibility left and its declared as the most corrupt govt in the history of PK so we all know that its not going to win elections no matter what and its highly unpopular among the masses except among few JIYALAS and some rular parts of sindh and punjab it doesnt stand any chance and again we all know no matter what those JIYALAS are going to vote for PPP and their loyalty could only be changed if PTI or PML N comes into power and do some development work for those areas and actually makes the difference in the lives of JIYALAS. Now that leaves PML N so if you have read my long post this far you should do the math. Also second reason is its been almost 12 years since PML N was in power in fed govt. so ppl need to be reminded about their "good governence" if you dont remember see the news paper of 98,99 PK was on the verge of liquidity, well that will take even more paragraphs to describe PML n corruption. Now you might question the strategy ethically but logically its perfect and as SUN TZU said "end justify the means" if you keep that in mind its a perfect strategy.

  10. Imran's jalsas are being sponsored by Zardari's friends…..! e.g the jalsa of Lahore was sponsored by Zardari

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