Creativity and entrepreneur


Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognise ideas (showing the power and imagination to create), alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. –Robert E Franken.

Creativity can easily be said as backbone of modern corporate world. Modern corporate world owe to entrepreneurs and their creativity which means, that entrepreneur only invest assets, but also invest emotions, ideas and vision.

History proves that entrepreneur not always rely on funds only; to start business. A single distinctive idea can turn market around. And this unique idea may help entrepreneur to rule global market.

Today it is evident that a single person can influence whole market through innovative ideas. The creativity supports entrepreneur in numerous ways, entrepreneur may have different captivating ideas which this world has never been exposed to. In our part of world, people usually focus on financial inflows and follow traditional way of working. Contemporary businesses shall promote creativity, instead of investment centricity. This is just haze of mind where tangibility always takes priority. The entrepreneur has always the propensity to take the risk and he always try to be first in the market.

For us, change agents are young entrepreneurs, equipped with desire to instil culture, where the best ideas can be created, for this they shall own concept of creativity. Several examples can be quoted, where entrepreneurs started business with insufficient funds, yet innovative ideas and today due to innovation and creativity they have become star business men. Local governing bodies, including universities shall devise mechanism to route innovative thoughts of youth (students) for greater good. It will not only seed future entrepreneurs, but their successes will create several jobs; causing increased life quality of society.

The entrepreneurs who are risk takers are mostly the driver of the economy and it is true that economy does not rely on big corporations only, in fact small businessmen contributes major chunk. Entrepreneurs are optimist in majority; which helps them fuel not only their business. But this positive energy helps them maintain work/life balance in their challenging life.

Encouragement of entrepreneurship, by developing and maintaining right culture can result in world changing innovations. Now we understand strong link between creativity and entrepreneurs, it is recommended to academic institutions, that they shall promote entrepreneurship. Academic institutions decide fate of any nation, our academic institutions shall seed creativity; and training workshops on entrepreneurship can help students to polish their skills in this important area.

