Retired colonel appointed PU DGPR


LAHORE – Colonel (r) Ikramullah has taken over the Punjab University (PU) Public Relations Department after former director general public relation (DGPR) Khawaja Tahir was forced to leave the varsity. Recently, the PU VC had earned a bad name when a colonel issued an anti-Zardari press release at a private function, raising questions if an official of a public-sector university could use the varsity platform to propagate his personnel views against the federal government.
Ikramullah is a contractual employee who already holds office of chief security officer and advisor to the VC, showing his rising stars being a blue-eyed boy of the present administration. Sources inside the Punjab University (PU) PRO office, said that nature of the DGPR post is very sensitive and requires a person who at least holds a degree in media studies whereas the colonel does not have any degree.
PU teachers and student, reacting to the new appointment, said that the VC should appoint a non-partisan and regular DGPR. A Punjab University official, seeking anonymity, said that instead of getting rid of former army officials, the varsity administration is doing exactly the opposite by employing them on lead roles. Ikramullah was not available for comment.