5,000 children attend Right To Play’s sports festival


Sports and play have always been considered as an extracurricular activity in schools but now due to Right To Play’s interventions in districts of Sindh, it has become an integral part of the educational curriculum and is considered as a co-curricular activity, said Umerkot District Education Officer Ghulam Mustafa Soomro, while speaking at a day-long Sindh Sports Mela held at Right To Play’s district office grounds.
The purpose of the festival was to create an opportunity for thousands of children to learn the importance of sports and play in their lives and take part in various sporting activities amidst a traditional setting.
The event witnessed the participation of 5,000 children from 40 UNICEF child-friendly schools based in Umerkot, 10 private schools, 12 government boys schools from three districts of Sindh and also saw the presence of government officials, members from fellow not-for-profit organisations like HANDS, Sami Foundation, Children’s Global Network (CGN), Right To Play District Coordinators, parents and teachers from schools and community members.
Activities such as modified table tennis, balancing the ball, balloon race, badminton, tableaus and traditional song and dance performances by children were some of the highlights which saw the highest participation of children. A sports quiz was also held for the children and the winners were presented gifts by the District Education Officer.
At the culmination of the event, Right To Play Provincial Programme Coordinator Ratan Salem thanked the children, teachers, headmistresses and community members for actively participating in the festival and making it a grand success.