Imran’s leadership test


Imran Khan enjoys benefit of doubt because he has never been in power. However, the test of political leadership lies solely in their performance during a national crisis or a tragedy. Present crisis has arisen because decisions of Supreme Court have been mocked at in violation of constitution, thereby shaking very foundations of our democratic republic. The constitution is what the Supreme Court interprets it to be, not what the executive, or majority members of parliament, nor the bureaucracy may construe it to be. In a democracy there is no room for concept that “King does no wrong”, because all men are supposed to be equal in eyes of law. In fact those who occupy high public office and whose decisions impact destiny of 180 million people, must be judged on strict higher scale for morality, ethics and submission before judiciary or rule of law, as compared to ordinary citizens. This is why private lives of those who offer themselves for public service are open to scrutiny. In a democracy if a peon’s family is accused of drug peddling, it can be ignored, but not when the PM’s family is accused of the same.
Imran has been quite soft on Ephedrine scam, a chemical used in preparation of Ecstasy, an addictive and dangerous drug that has killed thousands of youth over the world. His recent silence on virtual murder and culpable homicide by CAA that led to Bhoja crash and compromises of safety by Shaheen Air is shockingly unacceptable. Does he realise that public in Pakistan does not have access to private jets, but vast majority, nearly 90 percent, rely on public air, rail and road transport. He has disappointed his admirers by not visiting the site of Siachen tragedy, where 135 sons of this country have perished, nor visited the unfortunate families whose kith and kin have been missing for years. The Supreme Court of Pakistan was openly rebuked, scandalised and ridiculed by activists of a political party, yet Imran Khan refuses to realise importance of overcoming his ego and make common cause with all political forces that have expressed their support for implementing SC decisions. Time and tide waits for no man. Imran Khan must walk his talk.


  1. I don't think you follow Imran closely. First the media doesn't give coverage to Imran's views (no headlines in 9 O clock news) and then they say he is not taking a stand. Imran has given response to EVERY ISSUE mentioned here and yet you accuse him? I still remember that GEO showed full length response of Nawaz Sharif in 9 O clock news but omitted Imran Khan's press conference on the same issue altogether. YOU THINK WE ARE BLIND? YOU THINK WE DON"T SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING?

  2. The observations of the writer on democracy, constitution and rule of law in the context of the verdicts of the superior courts are quite valid, logical and legal. In this context I wish to quote what Bishop Hoadly said :
    " Whoever hath an absolute authority to interpret any spoken or written law, it is he who is the true lawgiver, and not the person who first wrote or spoken the law".

  3. Actually Imran has a clear stance on the things listed above, no “silences”. Follow Imran closely, as he is our best choice, and do support him…!

  4. Imran Khan hopefully is better, but for the moment he seems to be playing soft and not actively supporting Supreme Court or putting pressure on the streets to enforce implementation of decision. TIP should counter Rehman Malik who has said that PPP has no quarrels with Tehreek Insaaf.

  5. Imran Khan is known to smoke joints at Mian Sally's Haveli, so for him selling Ecstasy Pills may not be an issue. I saw it on You Tube

  6. U r absolutely right. Instead of doing service to the nation by holding a public meeting in Quetta to address grievances of the Baloch nation…………..he should have stayed home like the Zardari / Sharifs and issued press releases

  7. Have fun while reading this article,the truth written here."King does no wrong"'s available in other countries too. As for the constitution-they change it as they like,"democracy"-it's a word used and written just to calm our spirit "we live in a democratic country,democratic world,etc etc"

  8. PM has just stated that Javed Hashmi has assured him that Tehreek Insaaf will wait for a month or two, which basically means that Speaker can override decision of SC. As it is PPP had an electoral alliance with TIP on the recent by-elections for Multan Provincial assembly elections. Has IK got a message from agencies to wait it out?

    • Welcome Imran to politics of Ch Shujaat/Altaf Hussain style. You sure have learnt it fast—all words-full of sound, but no fury!

  9. Mr IK alias Mr Clean seems to have be under influence of Multani grid which dominates his party and soon the Tsunami will be reduced to a false warning. Imran Khan must stop issuing statements, while the SC is being insulted, its decisions ignored and the country plundered, just because in his opinion it suits him, while masses suffer. Where is the Tsunami that you promised against corruption and restoration of justice. Please dont fail us.

  10. Time will reveal everything espicially to the opponenets1 Just wait and see!

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