Only a few choices


Last week when Pakistani parliament approved the pre-conditions set for the US to comply with before Pakistan agreeing to resume the NATO supplies for Afghanistan, one would have wondered on inclusion of a demand: stop drone attacks on the tribal areas. All the right-wing political/religious parties are now up in arms to stop the NATO supplies at all cost.

Obviously the alternate to drone attacks such as aerial bombardment by Pakistani air force is more disastrous as it results in more collateral damage. Let’s take the right-wing parities line and stop the drone attacks and aerial bombardment, then what next; will we return to peace and prosperity in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Unfortunately, this is not the case; state is crumbling in front of these terrorists.

This was very much evident from April 14 early morning attack on the Bannu central jail. Nearly 400 prisoners including a number of hardcore militants escaped to safety. It was a well coordinated attack on a so-called high security jail when more than 250 heavily armed militants in vehicles and on foot stormed the prison building while showering it with AK-47, hand grenade and RPGs.

Despite presence of army units and Frontier Constabulary in the vicinity of the prison, no one came to the help of few jail guards who were taken by surprise due to this lightening attack. Without much resistance put forward by a handful guards, Taliban were able to win the release of their important comrades.

They took all the freed comrades and marched out of Bannu in form of a victorious rally and entered the lawless tribal agency – North Waziristan. Anyone who thinks that these militants will now return to normal civilian life is living in fool’s paradise. No doubt they will re-join the Taliban forces and will be in the field within short time.

There is no doubt that Pakistan tribal areas pose a very difficult and inhospitable terrain to fight the militants, then what is the solution – get the soldiers and paramilitary troops killed like sitting chickens or go for aerial bombardment and cause collateral damage, or resume the targeted drone attacks.

It’s high time for Pakistan not to submit to terrorists, otherwise we end up what was Afghanistan in late 90s. Both the CIA and ISI need to work together to build a mechanism to exchange information on targets and to verify the same before triggering the button. Choices are very few, it’s up to us whether to go for a civilized democratic Pakistan or a hardliner country living in dark ages.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia