Resolving national problems


There is no denying the fact that Pakistan is facing all sorts of problems most of which are lingering on as unresolved for varying reasons for years together. Somehow, all these problems, list of which is pretty long, are left to the political parties who are in power at the national and provincial levels for finding their solutions and resolving them.

Other parties assume the role of opposition and they keep on firing their guns on the federal and provincial governments for failing in doing this and that without realising their own obligations and duties in this regard, even though they may be sitting on the opposition benches in the national and provincial legislatures.

PML(Q) President Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain is a seasoned politician who is known to have positive thinking and approach to the national problems.

According to the reports appearing in the media in recent days, the elder of the Chaudhry Brothers from Gujrat has said at least on two occasions in Lahore and Islamabad that for resolving the national issues and problems all parties will have to work together and that the parties should evolve a strategy by consensus regarding all national level problems including load shedding and try to play their role for resolving them in the larger national interests.

The reports mentioned him saying this while talking to media in Lahore and Islamabad on two different occasions including one after meeting of the Central Parliamentary Party of PML (Q) meeting in the federal capital the other day.

One may have affiliation with a party and differences with some others, but it goes without emphasising that the problems being faced by the nation and the country have to be addressed on priority basis and efforts made to resolve them at the earliest possible. Today’s ruling party may be sitting on the opposition benches tomorrow and vice versa.

Political parties should be working together to try to resolve the people’s problems making their contributions without indulging in criticism merely for sake of criticism.

Ch Shujaat Hussain has quite rightly said that all parties should be working together and evolve line of action by consensus by resolving the problems faced by the nation and the country. Quite obviously, he means that all petty vested interests should be brushed aside and the parties should be looking towards and working to serve the national interests on which there could be and must not be any compromise.

All political parties’ top leadership should give due consideration to what an elderly sensible politician like Ch Shujaat Hussain has said and work out how they can work together in the larger national interests putting aside the petty vested interests. This is indeed the dire need of the hour.

