No hope of justice?


I almost fell out of my seat laughing at the PPP’s statement regarding the PM’s contempt of court case. The PPP’s spokesperson was asking the media ‘why the Supreme Court was telling parliament to do their job’.

The PPP government thinks that investigating and taking action on the Swiss bank accounts of President Zardari is the job of the parliament and the SC should not get involved.

The PPP government fails to realise that in four years they have not even completed the investigation of the murder of their greatest party leader, Benazir Bhutto.

They have till date not completed and presented the findings of the electricity loadshedding report, the Osama Bin Laden killing investigation, the Swiss bank accounts case, the NRO judgment, the Karachi PNS attack and many more investigations that have been taken up by the parliament of Pakistan. How can the public believe them that they will complete this investigation on their own?

But, as usual, the PPP government and party members are trying to stop this justice. These people never even tried to find justice for the cold murder of their beloved leader, how can we expect them to give justice to the people of Pakistan?




  1. Mr.Shahyar is very much true that NO HOPE FOR JUSTICE.I am the alive example of this true statement.If someone like Prime Minister of this poor country,Pakistan is the sourceful dignity,then there is no chance for fair justice.I am a commerce Post graduate and all my efforts to come this level had been smashed by Martial Law Regulation No.52 in P.I.A in 1981 by the notorious martial law dictator Gen.zia.As I am was performing my duties with all success,but suddenely I was victamised and my services were dispensed with this bloody mlr 52.As I have no sources and no wealth to bear the litigation of my case.Moreover I have no political influences,as a result my all academic and earning capabilties have been totally damaged by this cruel and unhuman regulation.Now I am at that stage of my life that I cannot move and fight agaisnt this battleThe Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan very trually said that law is blind and is not effective to riches.But unluckily we are very smart and active in saying,but by the time of action,our efficency is painful.If the custodian of justice says like that when a poor and handicapped man like me forces to think that where we should go and search for Justice?This is the desparetly things prevail in our society,then who will safeguard our interests.Sice 1981,I had been struggling to get justice,but unfortunately all my wishes and requests had fialed.The question is that why

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