Democracy = rule of law


The king does no wrong is an outdated idea, which has no place in a democracy, which is rule of law and not of men. This is a basic concept of this system.

The prime minister of Pakistan is responsible for all acts, decisions, losses incurred, misdeeds or abuse of power committed by those who have been appointed with his or his cabinet’s consent to head state corporations and institutions, including semi autonomous corporations like Pakistan Railways, Pakistan Steel Mills, PIA, OGDC, PSO, PASSCO, CAA, National Bank etc. In a democracy, an elected head of state works at the pleasure of his people and holds that office only as long as he is not violating constitution, or abusing his powers to the detriment of his country and state exchequer.

It is the constitution which is supreme and to which all institutions of the state such as parliament, prime minister, president, ministers, civil bureaucrats, judiciary and members of our armed forces must submit and from where they derive their powers. Powers, responsibilities and jurisdiction of all constitutional office holders are defined in the constitution.

The oath of office confines them to work within the strict parameters of rules and any discretionary powers that they enjoy does not empower them to do such acts, which violate the constitutional rights of any citizen, nor such acts which directly or indirectly leads to losses for the national exchequer.

It is the constitutional obligation of the elected president, PM and his cabinet to make all appointments in accordance with merit so that best available qualified team is selected, so that affairs of state and its corporations and departments are run efficiently, profitably with optimum benefits for national exchequer and collective welfare of citizens. He is bound by his oath to take decisions which do not cause losses or wastage of tax payer money.

The elected President, Prime Minister and their cabinet along with their nominees are answerable and accountable for all their acts, decisions and expenditures to people of Pakistan and for any constitutional violation or abuse to superior judiciary. While the parliament is a legislative body, the judicial powers for review, interpretation and resolution of laws, decisions and any conflict lies solely with superior judiciary.

In a democracy the higher the constitutional post an individual holds, the more his responsibility and therefore his actions and decisions are subject to judicial accountability and public scrutiny, because they impact affairs of state and lives of citizens.




  1. What we are sadly experiencing in Pakistan is a farce and you can term it elected dictatorship, because here individuals impose themselves on rules and get away with murder, theft, loot, plunder and even kidnapping for the sake of power politics. For them constitution is just like a piece of paper, which is what Mush and Zia termed it as. Did they not get away with this. Shame on us for tolerating this nonsense.

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