A new twist in the Osama raid tale


Your esteemed paper has once again brought into focus the infamous raid on Osama bin Laden’s episode by quoting fresh WikiLeaks as disclosed by Fred Burton in his communication to Stratfor’s vice president for intelligence in an email to one of his regional director in South Asia after the killing of Osama in Abbottabad.

The reports say that a Pakistani intelligence officer came forward to collect 25 million dollars reward and to stay in the USA along with his family. In another news it is also alleged that seized cell phone links ISI to Osama’s courier. Defence Secretary of US Leon Panetta is lobbying ISI to release ‘Bin Laden informant’ for CIA and surprisingly Gen Musharraf is saying that rogue men in ISI may have helped Osama.

All over the world, secret agents operate in covertly manner and they are also covered covertly to ensure they are not playing the role of double agent. As reported in the press, the ISI/army knew of Osama’s hideout. Middle to senior level officials of the ISI knew the arrangements for Osama bin Laden and his safe house in Abottabad.

After these disclosures it turns out to be the most serious issue of national security leaving behind Memogate scandal. If this is true, why were we fighting a war on terror?

The US was hunting Osama in Afghanistan and killing innocent people and Pakistan faced terrible a terrible onslaught of suicide attacks causing damage to lives and properties of common citizens. Being accused of hiding Osama is not at all understandable. The all powerful dictator Gen Musharraf’s now telling the nation that rogue men in ISI may have helped Osama is a slap on our face.

As the scenes are unfolding the matters are getting bad to worse as for as security of Pakistan is concerned. If a member of premier agency of Pakistan can be purchased in 25 million dollars, then anything can happen in this country. Living away from home, I am now worried about our nuclear assets, as the bounty can be increased to achieve the goals.

If the news is correct then there is need to appoint high power truth commission to dig into the failures of ISI in finding black sheep working under its nose because this may not be a case in isolation. There is a strong lesson in the whole game that blind trust in individuals is always harmful and keeping them at one place for a prolonged period is never safe.

The people of Pakistan and its security forces, including ISI, have rendered enormous sacrifices against militancy and terrorism. As the manifestation of endgame in Afghanistan appears to be coming to its end, it could be pressure tactics by US on Pakistan to toe their line and bring in disrepute the army and ISI in the eyes of the people of Pakistan. The death and destruction caused in search of Osama has to be answered by all involved in this game.


Bradford, UK