Prices of medicine


The pharmaceutical companies have increased the prices of medicines manifold. They are motivated by greed of profit. Patients are already suffering due to doctors’ and nurses’ protest rallies and strikes. Many patients have lost their lives. Now the pharmaceutical companies have joined their hands to financially burden them.

The Competition Commission should take stern action against these companies. The price control magistrates should be ordered to take action against profiteers. The politicians should take notice of this unreasonable hike in the prices of the medicines.

These companies are already making a lot of profit on brand name products. Only generic drugs are little cheaper. Although it cost only a few bucks to manufacture drugs, but the profit remains exorbitant.For more profit, companies are always considering to increase prices. Greed for money rules their psyche. They are not concerned with the difficulties of the patients or their pocket book. They are merciless profiteers and in fact killers of humanity. The concerned authorities are requested to take some action to curb this inconsiderable price increase.

