Depends on who


Is an army coup a violation of the constitution? Is getting the loans written-off a fraud? Is looting the national exchequer a crime? Are kickbacks and commissions on purchases and agreements legitimate? Are having foreign bank accounts an objectionable thing? Is tax evasion a misdeed? Is switching over political loyalty a lotaism? Is ‘reconciliation’ and agreement to go into exile an illegitimate apparatus? Are spouses supposed to become head of political parties after killing of the leader?

Is PCO oath unjustifiable? Are undue favours to children of Chief Justice of Pakistan fair? Does Article 6 apply to one who deviates from the constitution? Does Pakistan come first? Is admission of a daughter to any medical college by relaxing the rule is discreditable? Is kidnapping an offence? Is justice given to everyone by the Supreme Court? Can establishment of military courts control law and order? Is the testimony by Mansoor Ijaz reliable? Is disobeying the court of law a contempt of court? Does any member of parliament become disqualified after being convicted by any court of law? Finally, does president enjoy immunity?

The answer to these question and such others is: it depends on who is doing that and for whom.




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