Modern postal service


According to a recent news item the ministry of postal services is considering a same day mail delivery (24-hour delivery), initially in four capitals and later to be implemented in the whole country. To achieve this, the ministry will computerise the whole system.

The ministry is ensuring 24-hour delivery within provincial capitals. It was perhaps 1975 when PPP’s downslide in governance started when workers were too empathetically reminded of their “rights” but deliberately not told of their obligations.

There were no computers back then. One day at about 11:30 am or so I dropped a letter at the Saddar Post Office letterbox. By 3:30 pm same afternoon the addressee, a business concern from Ranchore Line, acknowledged me over the phone. But today with computers, motorcycles and whatnot they are still planning for a 24-hour delivery.

The department is going to buy new computers for the purpose. This senior citizen taxpayer wishes to know where those new computer are which were were installed in Saddar Post Office in the name of an Internet Café.

I used that good service for about six months at a rate of Rs 25 per hour. One fine morning when I went there the room was locked, from the transparent glass panel, there were no computers. A staffer at the Saddar Post Office working area smiled to me saying “have gone homes”.

