The real problem


Our real problem in the country is that we have highly ill equipped, uneducated and even uncivilised political leaders running the affairs of this state of Pakistan. None, I repeat none, of them have even the basic traits of leadership. No one has even a minor touch of leadership. We have no nursery where politicians are trained or made to learn. No one on the horizon has a vision or understanding of the basic concepts of economics or politics or public administration, what to talk of international scenario?
If we analyse the current regime’s four years, we can clearly see that people at the helms of affairs have no idea of what they were doing when even tackling small and even routine matters. I do not have to recall the unending list of mismanagement of things. Suffice it is to say that no decision or action has gone in favour of the masses or general public. One after the other, disasters crept in. As these incompetent people, who were made to look after the major institutions of the country, were far below the calibre, which was a pre-requisite in any selection. Corruption, defalcation of funds and wrong decisions were the obvious result of their presence.
‘Democracy’, ‘mandate of the people’, ‘past governments’ etc are the empty excuses they plead in their defence publicly. Overall, the management of affairs has been continuously slipping down the drain. One can see a few ‘made-up’ faces of a few females, the sick-looking males and the ailing and half-baked politicians, fighting with one another on TV over a small issue. Both of them repeating meaningless rhetoric and making absolutely senseless discussions. None speak for the public welfare or any relief to the poor masses. No one seems to be concerned about the falling economy.
I will not touch upon major things; rather, draw the attention of your readers to some of the minor or ordinary things that they see on TV. Why was the ‘illness’ of President Zardari kept so much of a secret? Why were there contradictory statements from a dozen politicians? This shows a lack of coordination amongst them. Why were not the resumes of people checked and scrutinised before they were given high positions in NLCI, WAPDA, Railways, PIA etc? Why can’t the government see massive erosion of public exchequer? Why do we have so many ministers?
Why could we not repair train engines in time? Why are our planes grounded? Where are the spares? Why is the law and order situation in the country deteriorating every minute? Why do we have such a massive get-togethers on birthdays, death anniversaries etc of Bhuttos in Naudero and at the cost of public exchequer? Why can’t we stop Dr Babar Awan from opening his mouth? Why can’t we stop (Dr) Rehman Malik from issuing a stupid statement, thanking Talibans for not disturbing rallies in Pakistan on Ashura?
I can go on listing hundreds of things, and I am sure we will fall short of space here. The nutshell is that these so-called democratic rulers have no sense at all of basic management principles. They should go to a management school and attend training moots before they come to occupy these positions. To me it seems they are joking with 180 million. But is this joke not a serious one?
Mr Asif Zardari, Mr Yousaf Gillani and the junta had been in jail for most part of their learning years. Mr Nawaz Sharif, Mr Shahbaz Sharif and the gang appear temperamentally unsuitable and slow in their minds. Mr Imran Khan, Mr Javed Hashmi, Mr Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the lot have coined new terms and phrases but have no concrete plans so far to bail Pakistan out of misery.
Lastly, I would draw the attention of 180 million people to the seriousness of Balochistan issue. Power shortage, gas, flour, ghee and the like would fall short in their magnitude, once Balochistan explodes.