More provinces


Pakistan’s biggest problems are corruption, poor governance, rule of law, lack of energy and no accountability. Mere creation of more provinces will not resolve any of these issues and may only further add to the woes that plague this poor country. The MQM headed by a controversial British national has absolutely no representation in either Hazara or Seraiki belt. It does not have a single seat in provincial assemblies, which alone have jurisdiction to carve out more provinces within their area of jurisdiction according to the constitution. Their sabre rattling in the National Assembly, given myriad problems this country faces, is either an attempt to divert attention or perhaps a preparation of ground for achieving their own province in the areas where it is fighting a battle for turf.
If this party had any sympathy for human beings that belong to Hazara or South Punjab and have migrated to Karachi like them, they should have put a stop to target killings of these poor people living in that city.If the Seraiki province is to be headed by scions of these corrupt politicians who have served as PM of Pakistan, or governor and chief minister of Punjab, they will only do what they have been doing, which is plundering this poor country and abusing their powers.
Illinois, USA