MQM, ANP quarrel over new provinces in NA


A row ensued in the National Assembly on Tuesday as the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Awami National Party (ANP) leaders argued over the creation of new provinces in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).
In a NA session chaired by Nawab Yousuf Talpur, the MQM presented a recommendation that called for the creation of new provinces of Hazara and South Punjab and said that the matter should be debated upon in the assembly.
During the session, the MQM leader Haider Abbas Rizvi said that new provinces should be created in Punjab and KPK.
However, ANP leader Ghulam Ahmed Bilour reacted by saying that the division of KP would not be tolerated, adding that a party which could not secure any seats in KP had no right to speak of the province’s division.
“We have never talked of dividing Sindh, so why should KP be divided,” said Bilour.
A heated argument between the two parties followed, due to which the assembly’s proceedings had to be halted for 20 minutes.


  1. I am from Abbottabad Hazara and I strongly believe there should not a province if the province is not going to be capable of running and managing its affairs.. Being a Pakistani I think first should try to strengthen our center. Four provinces are enough and the way, we have managed Baluchistan depite of having an immense share of resources out of it, I dont simply favor this idea.

    • but you are okay with your province being named after an ethnicity? and just one ethnicity, which undermines the rest of the ethnicities living there. NWFP should not have been renamed on linguistic basis to begin with, but now that it has been, us the people of hazara have the right to ask for our identity. I think we should get a new province !

    • what a bull shit idea. Go and get into the ass of pakhtuns. Go and settle in mardan or elsewhere. We donot have any space for bull shits like you in Hazara. Long live Suba hazara. Hindko zindabad

  2. Actually dividing the country into new provinces can be advantageous in the sense that it is surely gonna strengthen our economy because then there would be no economical centre and God forbid if some enemy attacks Pakistan, then it wont be able to get hold over the whole decentralised economy in short it wont be able to cripple our economy as whole and leave us bankrupt and empty-handed! On the other hand if this dicision was to be taken and acted upon by our Govt then this is a serious issue !In the tenure of 4 years PPP govt did just a lil more than nothing to better the lot of already existing provinces..What measures were takrn to better the educational,health or the employment sector?? What measure were taken to bring the prices of the food items and other edibles down or to check the accelerating increase in the prices of petroleum goods?? How many graduated students were provided prestigious jobs??What was done to better the living conditions of the poor people ?? The answer is NOTHING!! So for PPP govt which has to travel a long way..Its not a perfect decision at this time, because the way Baluchistan is being ignored time after time despite the presence of immense natural resources and in terms of area it is the biggest province of the country but sparsely populated because of lack of better living amenities,to form new provinces is just another mistake!!

  3. talk about load shedding, gas, terrorism, street crimes , why do these common man representatives never talk about common man problems….

  4. It's a great pity that, for whatever political reasons, hardly anyone in Punjab has spoken against dividing this land of the five rivers. I guess it's high time now that Punjabis wake up to protect the Punjabi language and their province from consistent onslaught. Anyone there?


  6. Kohistan, Batgram and Kala Dhaka should not be included in Suba Hazara as they are pashtun areas. We want pure hindko province.

    • thats the mistake pashtuns made by renaming the province on linguistic basis, lets have a sooba hazara for administrative reasons and not linguistic reasons !

  7. Pakhtuns want to keep us as Indian hindus want to keep kakshmiris. I have many times heard pakhtuns saying hazara " atoot ang" like indians say for occupied kashmir

  8. Come on guys…….. look at the positive side of this, the more we divide our existing provinces the better. i would suggest we should divide them into 40 provinces. Then it will be eaiser for our Leaders to sell them piece by piece to Oman, Iran, Afghanistan, India and not to forget our biggest allies in war on terror, our lord and provider, the all mighty US who might pay top dollars for some critical provinces. Those provinces that didn’t get sold our Leaders can then auction them to Extremist Talaban so that war on terror continues and our beloved friend US can do their target practicing on our civilians using Drone or if they need more thrill they can come after our Army Jawan, who are chained by "chain of command" , and will be waiting for them like a sitting ducks. Bravo!

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