Asking for flour


The bread has gone out of reach of poor masses so much so that even beggars now ask for alms to buy flour. The flour sells at Rs 36/kg and a household of four people would consume a minimum of one kg per day. This means about Rs 1000 per month on bread alone. Almost 60 percent of the people living on an income of one dollar a day, ie, Rs 90 per day, would spend 37 percent of their income on flour, leaving only 63 percent to be spent on other expenses of food, health, education clothing and housing which would be impossible to do.

So where is the slogan of roti, kapra aur makan in the above scenario proclaimed by PPP Chairman Bilawal in the cozy environs of Dubai. Does he have any realisation of the hand to mouth jiyalas that support the pyramid of PPP at the top echelons where the co-chairman lives in a presidential palace with billions stashed abroad safely under the canopy of his self-acclaimed immunity. There has never been such a stupendous hoax in the human history as is being inflicted on the hapless peoples of Pakistan.




  1. Decline Of Graces

    One of close friend once asked me to attend a meeting arranged by ML(N) at Villa Park.The speaker was Mian Shabaz Sharif. The speech was nothing more than a lamentation of a failed Pakistani leader, who was clueless trying to find a clue to his downfall. And an equally recognition hungry compatriots in USA were his hosts. It was not a new Tamasha because I had listened whines of a dozen of fallen heroes before in Europe. The behavior pattern of Pakistani leaders is the same. The only time they talk about the fate of the common man is when they are themselves on the street. The champion among these Neros was Bhutto, who was founding father of this irrational behavior of today's leaders and common man. They talk about only their rights but no responsibility. The sanity has gone out of the window of Pakistan.
    Did Bhutto provide ROTI, KAPRA and MAKAN ?. Common sense and rationality is missing in the decision miking and analysis of the factors that have brought us to this dangerous situation. Everyone is nervous about the prevalent conditions.

    Imran Khan has taken the initiative to steer the ship of the state in the turbulent waters of Pakistan. He has analyzed the problems and people are thronging to his bandwagon. All eyes are focused on his success and rightly so. The Neros will die their own death and prosperity will be coming to the country soon.

    Introducing and installing a teenager, Bilawal is a dream, a wishful last fantasy that is a desperate last breath before the death of oligarchy in Pakistan. The stupidity of PP leadership can be gauged from the verse of Ghalib:

    Tujhay hai unn sey wafa is Umeed,
    Jo nahi jantay wafa kia hai.

    One of my American friend who was close to BB once confided in me that the tragedy of Pakistan is leadership and ignorance. On my further inquiry this is what he said: "If she is asked to Manage one Sears store in Chicago, she will not be able to run it profitably. Management needs foresight, planning execution and self-analysis and a lot of hard work. Earning livelihood in America is hard and is bone crushing chore. The easiest way is loot and that's what she is capable of."

    With this American's perception of Pakistani leadership, I close my comments.
    Khuda Hafiz

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