Unanswered questions


The whole nation is chanting one slogan and that’s change. But do we really need a change or it’s a mere useless desire. We definitely need change and a change of a different kind.

Imran Khan is the latest agent of change and the heartbeat of millions of youngsters. Despite listening to praises for him from my fellows I can’t blindly head towards Khan’s rally and shout like others. There are some questions that need answering. The first question I want to ask is what kind of a change? A change with the same team as Musharraf had; Kasoori, Jehangir Tareen, Sardar Assef Ahmed Ali and the list continues. Does change mean going back into time and have a different leader but with the same team and same agenda?

The Karachi rally also needs answers. Imran’s Karachi meeting was a success. Only couple of months ago, Imran could enter Karachi only with tacit consent of MQM, let alone arrange a meeting. What may be the cause of MQM’s metamorphosis? This is a very important question. If it was so easy a matter that just lifting of a finger or move of a baton could pacify MQM, then why was Karachi allowed to be a victim of violence?

The power that made this possible today is responsible for the thousands of deaths over the years. Imran Khan also needs to address how he is going to bring change rather then jus saying change. He should also answer about his special hatred towards Nawaz Sharif when his role has been appreciable of late.




    • Dear Asad,
      As you must be knowing old is gold.Nawaz Sharif role has been appreciable and he is more season and experienced politician. He is also not perfect as nobody can be.We all want betterment of Pakistan who so ever comes in power.I hope if Khan comes in Power he delivers.

  1. How does he have the same agenda?? No one in Pakistan has ever sought to balance our budget which is the godfather of all our internal and external problems including the sovereignty of this country. For a change, team must be a combination of youthful exuberance and experience monitored by a scrupulously honest leader which is exactly what he is striving for. How can you despair without even giving a chance to the idea? As for MQM, it is a small fish compared to predators and crocodiles of Pakistani political pool ie PPP and PMLN and therefore must be taken on proportionately.

    • Honest team!! think again..
      Why is Karachi a no go area for other political parties?Why did Khan withdraw his allegations against Altaf Hussain? Suddenly Altaf became a revolutionist ,is it so easy to back from what he said "more then 130 murders".You need to study history if you need to understand Khans politics specially the Establihment led govt. his agenda is same.Ayub Khan wanted to crete balance in which he was succesful but the nation suffered after it.

  2. No allegations have been withdrawn against Altaf; MQM has learnt it will suffer even more in the next elections if it challenges PTI over allowing Imran Khan to enter Karachi. Moreover, MQM, or any other political party is not allowed to make any place a no-go area for anyone!

    • Just watch the 24 december show of express news (TO THE POINT). You will get to know the u turn.

  3. dude get a life. u write an article to deviate people from write.U r on PML N payroll and anti Pakistani..

  4. the writter is an asshole..long live Imran Khan..writter definately earns money from N league.

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