Misplaced focus


Skimming through the stock of dailies, I was amazed at the naivety of people of the Land of the Pure. Is it true that we have given a bunch of conspiracy theories precedence over our daily troubles?

At first I thought it was just me but when I asked one of my fellows as to what he thinks is the biggest trouble Pakistan is going through, the answer was ‘ Dude, you kidding me? Of course, it’s the memo issue and the showdown of government’. It is times like these when I think that Imran Khan would have to do a lot more than his ‘jalsas’ to put some sense into us people.

Why is it that the media keeps on grappling with the slightest possibility of our present government coming to an end when instead we have millions whose lives are endangered due to the recent floods in Sindh?

Why is it that we have less talk about poverty, education, intolerance, corruption, energy crisis, extremism, Balochistan issue than about the President suffering from God knows what? Apparently we direly need a revision of our ‘priority list’ when it comes to the problems we face today.


LUMS, Lahore