Veena’s acts


I fail to understand the unnecessary furore over the acts of Veena Malik, a woman who is working in entertainment industry. In every country, there are such women, who use their bodies to earn money by playing upon the fantasies of men and what she has done has been happening for centuries. Venna Malik exposed her body to create a controversy and get the publicity which she has successfully got. Such individual acts do not reflect upon the women of Pakistan, nor in my opinion has Pakistan’s image been tarnished.

The image of Pakistan is damaged when its elected or paid public servants chose to sell their conscience to benefit themselves financially even compromising vital national interests that they were supposed to protect.

Those who robbed and fleeced Hajis, violated their oaths of office, or pilfered state exchequer, be it the missing containers scam, or NICL, or even Pak Steel Mills, Railways, PIA etc have harmed Pakistan more. When people in power utilise state funds to indulge in their sexual fantasies, it is our national image which suffers. Those who hired services of escorts during their official tours to Turkey, or who stated that Pakistani women plan their rape to get visas, damaged our national image.

I see no difference between the acts of men and women who form part of our ruling elite when they sell their conscience and the acts of women in the pleasure industry who sell their body for financial profits. Each sells what is there to be sold for their individual benefit. The only difference is that people in authority do more harm to their countries and the people who elect them than these women who sell their soul but risk contracting killer diseases themselves.

The Pakistani media and our so-called clergy would serve the people better if they were to concentrate on moral and financial corruption that deprives millions of funds that would have been spent on education health, security, provision of basic necessities, rather than on individual acts of people who represent nobody but themselves like Veena Malik.




  1. Soul searching is required by our rulers and clergy as you suggested.This is what is missing in Veena- bashing fulltime.Or , is this an attempt to divert attention from all these scandals?

  2. counjer dont have deen or iman , they sell there body for money , women expose her body and give her body to non muslim she out of muslim religion , she no more muslim because she slept with hindu actors and meera n veena no more muslim , officaly they muslim only , inslamic sheri law no more muslim

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