Pakistan’s sovereignty


Once again NATO helicopters raided inside Pakistani territory and killed more than two dozens of Pakistani soldiers at a checkpoint. Interestingly, the checkpoint which was attacked in Salala village in Mohmand Agency was built by the Pakistan army to stop militants holed up in Afghanistan from crossing the border and conducting attacks inside Pakistan.
Drone attacks and air strikes by the US and NATO forces inside Pakistan is not a new phenomenon, it’s a common policy by the US and NATO forces. Which means the attack is a double cross by the US and NATO against Pakistan. In response or retaliation Pakistan also pursues a common practice of offering weaker condemnation, sometimes lodging strong protests with the US and ISAF over these attacks and sometimes cutting off supplies for US and NATO from Pakistan to Afghanistan.
All of these measures taken by Pakistan proved ineffective and such attacks by the US and NATO forces have continued whereas our soldiers have continued being killed. Is it not true that Pakistan has lost its supreme and ultimate decision-making and decision-enforcing power ie, its sovereignty?
Unfortunately, Pakistan’s sovereignty, both the territorial and functional has now become a matter of deep concern as the country seems like a regular victim of foreign aggression under the alliance system of US-led so-called war on terror, started after the 9/11. During the last 10 years, regardless of facing so many disastrous events on its soil, Pakistan remained committed to the American-led war within the territorial jurisdiction of Pakistan, due to which Pakistan has lost thousands of soldiers and citizens.
Despite having nuclear deterrence, an elected political government, an independent judiciary, hundreds of political and religious parties and their revolutionary heroes and a vibrant media, the country is a regular victim of terrorism by the US and NATO forces. All this raises a question as to what can be done. The answer is simple: serve your own interests.
Yes, Pakistan needs to serve its own interests in the region. Practically, from Pakistan’s side, there is no any on-ground mechanism to defend its territorial and functional sovereignty from being attacked by the US and NATO. Besides political and administrative means, Pakistan also needs to develop a strong military mechanism to retaliate in case of any such attack in the future.


  1. pakis must thank NATO and USA and even Afghans for not bombing all of pakistan….they could have easily done that and pakis could hav done nothing….NATO should have bombed islamabad and then said they would merely 'investigate'…and by the way your buddy china is not commenting on this why? when is your gilani running to china to cry in their arms..hahahahah

  2. Yes we should stand up against such attacks and retaliate in our defence. this is the only way to combat such terrorism. I endorse Mr. Gulzar's idea and think that definitely some working is undertaken by pakistan for future.

  3. NATO and US forces can only do "Rat Attacks", they cannot open full scale war against as Henry Kessenger said "war against Pakistan means, start of a WW3"

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