Questions for Imran


I would like to draw the attention of the Pakistani nation towards the talk of the town, which is Imran Khan’s ‘Pakistan Bachao Tehreek’ (Save Pakistan Movement). In every meeting and discussion, I often hear about the attendance at Minar-e-Pakistan and it seems that this power show is becoming the basis of support for the PTI.
One sensible quarter has asked for an effective plan and strategy on how Imran Khan will change the system. I, too, have my concerns and would like to ask Imran Khan’s supporters, who think that he will bring about a 180 degree change in the direction of the country, about all the tall claims that he has made in the past that have not yet been accomplished.
I am still waiting for Imran Khan to share the details of the model houses and/or villages for the flood affected people in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and southern Punjab in 2010, for which he had collected billions of rupees and said that he will put everything in black and white. I am still waiting for Imran Khan to visit and assist the flood affected people of Sindh and visit victims of target killings in Karachi. I am still waiting for Imran Khan to pursue cases against Altaf Hussain in London that he claimed he would. His action on the ground is now in contradiction to his claims with seemingly cordial relations with the MQM. I am still waiting for Imran Khan to go to the superior courts to keep the Chaudhrys from running for elections, which he was determined to pursue prior to the 2008 elections and even showed their bank default papers in front of the media. I am still waiting for Imran Khan to conduct a rally in Karachi, Quaid-e Azam’s home city, and refer to Altaf Hussain like he referred the PML(N) leaders to as ‘the dengue brothers’. I am still waiting for Imran Khan to bring new leadership ahead rather than giving the second seat on stage in his Lahore rally to a controversial figure like Mian Azhar, who has only recently joined the PTI. Perhaps now I am waiting for PML(Q)’s outdated politicians to start joining PTI and sit on the stage pushing down the diehard workers, who have been with PTI for so many years. There is a long list of things that I am still waiting for, but with his present style of leadership and the way that he has launched himself against the PML(N), I have lost hope in him.
With all the above-mentioned promises that he could not deliver being in the opposition, assuming that he does come to power, I am sure that he will either be hijacked by the incumbent politicians from the PML(Q) or would continue doing what he has always done, i.e. make empty promises.


  1. isi is conspiring against imran khan….we must support leaders like imran khan…he has never been involved in corruption….we do nt need zerdari or benazair like politicians who rob the country and take the money to swiss bank..or nawaz sharif who keeps huge bank ballance and do not declear and does not pay any tax or 60 rupees tax in one year…..we do not need musharraf supporters like chodries..we do not altaf hussain who sits in uk and speaches from there..and when announce voilation in karachi and keeps arms gangs in karachi..

  2. the deluded people who question Imran Khans lack of policy to change the system miss a very simple point. A honest leader who wants change and will not accept corruption need to utilise honest and Intellligent people to solve the problems of Pakistan and will change the status quo which is stagnating Pakistan at the moment by the two corrupt parties. MQM and other parties find cheap points to atatck Imran Khan with. The biggest question facing Imran KHan and the Pakistan nation is can Imran Khan bring together enough existing clean politicians in Pakistan to overcome the status quo of how elections are fought in Pakistan.

    To all the forward blocks from PPP and PMl -Q and ex minister groups, If you all are serious about bringing change to Pakistan and are sincere, forget forging alliances as independent parties with PTI, join the PTI and work with IMran Khan to make PTI into the party that has a real chance of wonnong, this is the only hope for change in Pakistan.

    To Imran Khan, you have matured in Politics, you need to invite these clean politicians into PTI on the basis of joining a truly democratic party and mking the PTI the real peoples party like ZAB did for PPP.

  3. Pakistan Today has columnists who sits in their office and write columns without making effort to contact Imran Khan for detailed policy discussions or for POWER POINT presentation. They start criticizing khan without proper information. This is severely underminig the credibility of this newspaper and also exposes the calibre of the wirters in this newspaper.

    By the way this is fasion these days to say : IMRAN DOES NOT HAVE POLICY!

    Poor ignorant! PT columnists. Ahh!

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