A party aged yet immature


In case you missed the PTI rally or its coverage by the media, and couldn’t even catch the re-run clips on your TVs and are looking to find out whether it was a success or not, then I suggest listening to any of the N-League leaders and their views on the rally and its success. First off, a senior senator of the party ridiculed himself by appearing television and claiming that the number of chairs placed in the ground was less than that claimed by PTI, as if the rally was to be attended by chairs and not people. I mean if the N-League thinks that a rally’s success is gauged by the number of chairs and not people then they do still have a shot at fame again and that is to gather one million chairs in their next convention, because when it comes to people, it seems tough for them to gather even fifty thousands anymore.

Then the post-rally response by N-Leaguers was really pathetic and embarrassing for the remaining few fans of the party. Responding to Mr Khan’s speech with comebacks like ‘he has admitted to ball tampering in his book’ and that ‘people came from all over Pakistan and hence there were so many’. Why is it that political acumen is visibly so absent from the N Leaguers? First, they make the foolish decision to hold a rally just two days before PTI’s rally and put themselves in competition with Imran Khan.

A competition that they were bound to lose and then when PTI gathered a crowd of over three hundred thousand despite obstacles by provincial government as compared to N Leaugue’s government machinery assisted meager 20,000 in the city deemed to be N-League’s stronghold they start coming up with baffled responses and come backs. As a political party the N League has taken one after the other politically bad and immature decisions throughout the past four years and that is one thing they need to manage and rectify in order to keep themselves alive in the changing political scenario, and not childish, baseless puns and allegations that are only causing them ridicule and embarrassment.




  1. Great Job, we should have the courage to speak the truth no matter what our loyalties are

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