Lessons in Qaddafi’s end


Col Qadaffi is history now. He was captured and killed on October 20, 2011 by the rebel forces. He was a great friend of Pakistan and had special place in his heart for late Prime Minister ZA Bhutto and the PPP.

Some political analysts say that the process which started with the martyrdom of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia has been completed with the tragic removal of Libyan leader from the scene of Islamic world, others are comparing him with Saddam, both lived for more than 69 years and preferred to die in their own country rather than fleeing their homeland like Shah of Iran. Both loved uniform.

There is no doubt about the riches of Saddam and Col Qaddafi, however, the question of their popularity is complicated as their legacy for the Muslim World.

It is not being suggested here that all rich people meet with violent end, but my advice for rich and popular political leaders in Pakistan is that they should read contemporary history to learn lessons. After the death of fabulously rich rulers, their riches remain in the coffers of foreign banks and their followers in the home country have no time to mourn or remember them.

It dies not mean that politics is bad. It could be as noble as any other profession. Political office should be used to serve the people. Unfortunately, in Muslim societies service to people gets a low priority.

